Test IQ


Sobat, IQ adalah singkatan dari Intelligence Quotion. Normalnya, IQ berada pada angka 90-114. Banyak bentuk test yang disediakan untuk melihat tingkat IQ seseorang. Mulai dari test berbentuk pertanyaan hingga berbentuk gambar. Tetapi, berdasarkan pengamatan saya, ternyata tidak ada test yang bisa menghitung tingkatan IQ seseorang secara akurat. Dalam setiap test, seseorang bisa saja mendapatkan nilai yang berbeda. Dan kecerdasan IQ nyatanya bisa meningkat dan menurun sesuai dengan kerja otak yang dilakukan seseorang. IQ bisa dilatih dengan banyak mendengarkan musik, menulis, membaca, menggambar, bermain teka-teki, dan sering mencoba berbagai test IQ. Biasanya ketika melakukan aktifitas-aktifitas tersebut, IQ kita akan menunjukkan di mana letak keunggulannya.

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, saya iseng-iseng mengikuti test IQ online. Kamu juga bisa mencobanya dengan mengunjungi situs ini, IQ Test - Indonesian dan tinggal klik mulai, maka akan muncul pertanyaan dalam bentuk gambar. Di akhir test, mereka akan memberitahukan kamu nilainya. Selamat mencoba ya.

Berikut ini bentuk nilai yang akan diberikan kepada kamu.

Thank you very much for taking our IQ test!

Here are some tips how you can improve your thinking and memory, followed by your IQ test result.
IQ test are used by a number of companies to help them measure abstract and logical thinking of their job applicants. As you know, in most cases, it is hard to get employed by the first company where you apply for a position, as there's usually a lot of other applicants to consider as well. Test your intelligence with as many IQ tests as you can and your IQ can slowly, but gradually increase as you train specific parts of your brain.

To utilize the maximum potential, it is important to ensure a sufficient blood supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain. It is known that practically any 20 minutes long aerobic exercise significantly improves the thinking ability and memory. It stimulates the production of the growth hormone that is needed to restore nerve cells. Furthermore, it promotes formation of neurotransmitters for better memory, and reduces stress as well.

There are also other, easier and faster ways to stimulate your brain's effectivity, which you can practice really anywhere. One being a profund breathing exercise. Just slowly inhale while counting to 8, then hold your breath for 12 counts and finally slowly exhale while counting to 10.

If you have a sedentary job, always make sure that your back is straight as it will significantly improve the blood supply to your brain. Also, make sure that you stand up for a while. It's been scientifically proven that the stand-up position improves the ability to learn and think by up to 30%.

Last but not least, make sure that you eat healthy and nutrient meals. This advice is often very underestimated, but there are studies showing that it can help increase your IQ by 10 points or even more.

You have reached 13 points and your IQ is: 124 

IQ Score Table
IQ Range
You are probably a genius.
16 - 19
130 - 139
You have a unique imagination and logical mind.
10 - 15
Above average
115 - 129
You have a good imagination and logical mind.
6 - 9
Higher average
102 - 114
You have an average imagination and logical mind.
3 - 5
Lower average
90 - 101
0 - 2
Below average
70 - 89
You have a below average imagination and logical mind.

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